
凤黄浩,博士,讲师。男,1986年生,2014年获美国丹佛大学电子与计算机工程硕士学位,2020年获美国丹佛大学哲学博士学位。20209月加入常熟理工学院计算机科学学院,从事教学与科研工作。主要研究领域为社交机器人在人机交互中的应用,利用人形机器人辅助治疗自闭症,情感计算,基于以人为本的人工智能以及新音乐技术。在《Journal of Expert Systems and Applications》、《Developmental Science》、《IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots》、《IEEE-RO-MAN》等知名国际期刊和会议上发表高质量学术论文若干,且在2016年的第二十五届International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication获得RSJ/KROS最佳跨学科科研奖。







设计: Xylo-Bot: A Toy Musical Robot and Beyond

首席设计师。 2017 至今 | 设计了一款专为毫无专业音乐训练基础的儿童或成人用于训练基础音乐知识学习与作曲的基于实时动态交互的平台系统。此系统可自定义各类丰富旋律乐曲,且易于一款指定人形机器人演奏。原声与电声均可在一款友善的基于颜色编码的钟琴(马林巴,我称其为X-elophone)演奏出来。此平台曾在2019 7 月的丹佛国际音乐与科技艺术节座谈会上进行现场演示并得到了电音巨匠乔丹.鲁德斯(世界顶级键盘手之一,梦剧院乐队首席键盘手)以及王戈(斯坦福大学音乐学院副教授,斯坦福大学CCRMA 创始人,艺术设计师,音乐编程软件ChucK 首席设计师)的积极正面反馈。

设计: X-elophone: A Revolution of Xylophone

首席设计师。 2019 至今 | 用一款极其简单便携的11 键儿童钟琴,设计出一款全新的可由用户自由选择大调与小调甚至不同器乐声音的可编程全新新钟琴(我称其为X-elophone)。不仅初学音乐者可以用它来学习基础音乐知识,高阶玩家也可以用他来演奏或进行创意表演。 视频链接在此。 X-elophone 曾与Xylo-Bot 一同在2019 7 月的丹佛国际音乐与科技艺术节座谈会上进行过首次现场演示,现在此平台和乐器正被用于一项与音乐,机器人和自闭症相关的科研项目。


Mihalache, D., Feng, H., Askari, F., SokolHessner, P., Moody, E.J., Mahoor, M.H. and Sweeny, T.D., 2019. “Perceiving gaze from head and eye rotations: An integrative challenge for children and adults.” Developmental science, p.e12886.

Huanghao Feng, Hosein Golshan, Mohammad H. Mahoor, 2018. “A wavelet-based feature extraction approach for emotion classification using the EDA signals”, Journal of Expert Systems and Applications, 112, pp.77- 86.


Farzaneh Askari, Haunghao Feng, Timothy D. Sweeny, Mohammad H. Mahoor, 2018. “A Pilot Study on Facial Expression Recognition Ability of Autistic Children Using Ryan, A Rear-Projected Humanoid Robot”, The 27th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, NanJin-Tai’an, China, pp. 790-795.

S.M.Mavadati, Huanghao Feng, M.Salvador, S.Silver, A.Gutierrez, M.Mahoor, “Robot-Based Therapeutic Protocol for Training Children, with Autism”, 2016. 25th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN, pp. 855-860, New York, NY (RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award)

Huanghao Feng, Anibal Gutierrez, Jun Zhang, Mohammad H Mahoor, 2013. “Can NAO robot improve eye-gaze attention of children with high functioning autism?”, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Information (ICHI), pp. 484-484, Philadelphia, PA


Huanghao Feng, Farzaneh Askari, Mohammad H. Mahoor, 2017. “Socially Assistive Robotics Helps Children with Autism”, DU-EXPO, poster presentation at University of Denver, Denver, CO

Huanghao Feng, M.Mahoor, A.Gutierrez, Marry.Kustner and Jun Zhang, 2013. “Using Social Robots at Improving Eye Gaze Attention of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Proceeding of International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), poster presentation at Donostia, San Sebastian, Basque County, Spain

Huanghao Feng and A.Gutierrez, 2013. “Using Social Robots to Improve Directed Eye Gaze of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, oral presentation at Texas Autism Research Conference (TARRC), San Marcos, TX



